HolyCoast: The Cloud Over Idaho
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Cloud Over Idaho

Mark Steyn's take on the Sen. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig news conference is right on the money:
Yes, I feel sorry for Mrs Craig and the family, too, but come on, the Senator's statement in Boise this afternoon invites only a wholly deserved contempt. What was all that stuff about there being a "cloud over Idaho"? There's no cloud over Idaho, there's a cloud over him. The State of Idaho wasn't in the stall of the men's room at Minneapolis Airport, and the State of Idaho didn't choose to cop a plea. If you're going to dissemble, at least try not to be so pompous and narcissistic when you're doing it.

And what was all that business about blaming it all on the "strain" brought about by The Idaho Statesman? What kind of excuse is that? "I wouldn't have wound up in that men's room if you guys hadn't been investigating my secret gay sex life."

This was a ridiculous performance. He pleaded guilty not in the heat of the moment, but two months after the incident, and without telling anybody else. To announce that he's now retained counsel is preposterous: His voluntary guilty plea cannot be overturned. Furthermore, isn't it usually a condition of these things that you're meant to acknowledge and accept your guilt? Senator Craig is carrying on as if his trial starts next month. It doesn't. It's over.
Sen. Craig has already lost the opportunity to bow out gracefully. Now he just needs to resign quickly before he does any more damage to himself, his family, and everyone else connected to him.

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