HolyCoast: Craig Steps Down from Committee Assignments
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Craig Steps Down from Committee Assignments

At the request of Republican leadership, Sen. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig has agreed to step down from all of his Senate committee assignments. That's a good start, but not near enough. He needs to step down from the Senate altogether.

Senators John McCain and Norm Coleman seem to agree, and both of them today have suggested that Craig needs to resign. Coleman outright called for it while McCain was a little more diplomatic.
'I believe that he -- that he pled guilty, and he had the opportunity to plead innocent. So I think he should resign,' Senator John McCain told CNN. 'And suppose he comes back to Washington and says, I want to serve. That's -- that will be a decision that he will make and most importantly, the people of the state of Idaho. But my opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, then you shouldn't serve. And that's not a moral stand. That's not a holier than thou. It's just a factual situation. I don't try to judge people. but in this case, it's clear that it was disgraceful.'
Other congressman are starting to chime in, and I think it's just a matter of time before the pressure overwhelms Craig's desire to save his job.

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