HolyCoast: The Dangers of Second Hand Toner Particles
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Dangers of Second Hand Toner Particles

People haven't been allowed to smoke in California offices since sometime in the 80's, and we all thought the air was much clearer. Oh, but not so according to this report:

The office printer causes frustration when it isn’t working but it may be posing as much danger to staff as smoking a cigarette when it is, scientists in Australia said.

An investigation into 62 laser printers revealed that 17 of them -- almost 30 per cent -- released high amounts of minute toner particles into the air.

Professor Lidia Morawska from the Queensland University of Technology, who led the research, said: “Ultra-fine particles are of most concern because they can penetrate deep into the lungs where they can pose a significant health threat. ...

The study, conducted in a large open-plan office in central Brisbane, showed that particles increased five-fold during working hours.

Emissions were worst when new cartridges were used, and when graphics and images which required larger quantities of toner were being printed.

I can see it now, the state will change the legal age for buying toner to 18 and then Rob Reiner will try and slap a huge tax on them to pay for preschools. You know it's going to happen.

UPDATE: HP responds to this story in this post at Captain's Quarters.

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