HolyCoast: Dem Candidates Address Moronic Convergence in Chicago
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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dem Candidates Address Moronic Convergence in Chicago

The Dem presidential candidates all bent over and grabbed the ankles for the Kos Kids in Chicago:
CHICAGO (AP) — Plunging headlong into the Internet era, Democratic presidential candidates on Saturday fought for the support of powerful and polarizing liberal bloggers by promising universal health care, aggressive government spending and dramatic change from the Bush era.

“Who will be about change? Who is the candidate for change? And how do we bring about change?” asked former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, suggesting his rivals are creatures of the status quo.

Seven of the eight leading candidates attended the second Yearly Kos convention, participating in a candidate forum and conducting individual sessions designed to be more freewheeling.

The convention drew 1,500 bloggers, most of them liberal, who represent the latest advancement in communicating and community.

Yeah, most of them are liberal and the rest are just plain nuts. Just look at the first paragraph in that excerpt and you know what you can look forward to in '09 if one of these leftists is elected.

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