HolyCoast: Do We Live in a Country Based on Fear?
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do We Live in a Country Based on Fear?

This year's presidential campaign seems to feature more bombast from the candidate's wives than the candidates themselves. Michelle Obama is the latest to offer her thoughts:
She told an audience in Council Bluffs that Obama was cautioned not to enter the race for president because there was so much fear: "fear that he might lose; fear that he might get hurt; fear that this might get ugly; fear that this might hurt our family."

But the family decided to say "yes" to the Democratic race partially to confront those fears, said Michelle. "I am tired of being afraid . . . I don't want my girls to live in a country that is based on fear."

Do you live in fear? I don't. I'm not sure why the Democrats have such a coping problem.

Obama also took a swipe at the Clinton's family values:
At another stop, in Atlantic, Michelle said she travels with her husband in part "to model what it means to have family values," adding "if you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House." She didn't elaborate, but it could be interpreted as a swipe at the Clintons.
Of course it was a swipe at the Clintons. They're the only competition Obama has for the nomination.

Does it appear a little unseemly to you that the press is spending so much time reporting the statements of the spouses? I frankly don't care what Elizabeth Edwards, Michelle Obama, or for that matter Bill Clinton has to say. Using a pit poodle to attack the opposition is kind of silly.

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