HolyCoast: Even More Outrageous Global Warming Claims from NASA's James Hansen
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Even More Outrageous Global Warming Claims from NASA's James Hansen

A definite pattern has developed among the global warming true believers. If something happens that challenges your assumptions (or destroys your data), raise the stakes. If you said before that sea levels would increase 20 feet, raise it to 82 feet. And if that doesn't work, raise it some more until you finally scare enough people into believing you. That's the direction that NASA's James Hansen has gone in a recent interview.

The American Thinker has a lengthy piece on Hanson's latest scare threat. You can read it all here. The line of the day:
I personally think he has slipped the surly bonds of earth, as the poet says. NASA's Prophet of Doom is up, up and away, with a beautiful vrroom.

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