HolyCoast: Excuse Me Mr. President, but Could I Marry Your Daughter?
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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Excuse Me Mr. President, but Could I Marry Your Daughter?

How'd you like to be the poor kid that has to go to the President of the United States and ask for his daughter's hand in marriage?
WASHINGTON (CNN) — President and Laura Bush's daughter, Jenna, is engaged to be married, the White House announced Thursday.

Jenna Bush, 25, is marrying Henry Hager, 28, a former White House aide who used to work with Karl Rove, and is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Business, according to the Associated Press. Henry Hager’s father, John, is the chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, and the former lieutenant governor of Virginia.

A Bush marrying someone who used to work with Karl Rove. Boy, I bet that's got the lefty websites buzzing.

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