HolyCoast: Fred to Announce Sept. 6 (and Maybe on Leno the 5th)
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Fred to Announce Sept. 6 (and Maybe on Leno the 5th)

Fredheads arise - your long awaited leader will be joining the fray next week:
Fred Dalton Thompson will tell his supporters that he is running for president today in a 4 p.m. conference call with 800 to 1,000 elected and party officials from around the country, a source close to the campaign said today.

On the call, Thompson will detail his plans for the future, which are expected to include an appearance on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" on Wednesday night -- even as his rivals debate on Fox -- and could be followed by a formal announcement the next day.

The Leno thing, right during the GOP debate on Fox, could be a masterful stroke. Californians well remember that Arnold Swartzenegger surprised everyone when he announced for governor on Leno's show, and it got tremendous press reaction nationwide. Maybe Fred is going for the same effect.

All I know is that after this extended period of waiting (remember when we all thought he'd jump in on July 4th?) he better be on his game next week and in the 10 days or so that follows. There is tremendous anticipation among Fredheads and others that the longed for conservative Messiah who can beat Hillary is coming, and if Fred's performance on Leno or anywhere else is flat or uninspiring, the campaign will die a quick death.

He hasn't been that strong lately, but I guess we can all hope it's a case of "bad dress rehearsal, good opening night".

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