HolyCoast: Harry Reid Needs New Writers
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Friday, August 03, 2007

Harry Reid Needs New Writers

I referred yesterday to President Bush's comments regarding the lack of progress in the 13 major spending bills that need to be passed before the end of the fiscal year (Sep. 30). The Dems made several attempts during the day (both Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer) to describe the difference between Congress' bill and the president's request was only .7%. However, as the president pointed out, that comes out to $22 billion dollars in the short term, but $205 billion in only 5 years.
Bush is now objecting to an additional $22 billion in spending Democrats want to add to his proposed $2.9 trillion budget. The president told reporters after a Thursday morning Cabinet meeting that the Democratic proposals would add up to an additional $205 billion over five years.

“That $205 billion averages out to about $112 million per day, $4.7 million per hour, $78,000 per minute. Put another way, that’s about $1,300 in higher spending, every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year for the next five years,” he said. “In fact, at that pace, Democrats in Congress would have spent an extra $300,000 since I began these remarks.”

That's the way you have to break things down for the voters. Those are numbers people can relate to.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid responded incoherently as usual:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., shot back that Bush “must be in the Twilight Zone.”

C'mon Harry - get some better writers. You always sound like such a doofus.

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