HolyCoast: How About Giving it ALL Back, Hillary?
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

How About Giving it ALL Back, Hillary?

In a follow-up to this post, Hillary Clinton, feeling the heat of yet another situation involving questionable donations from an Asian source (remember John Huang and Charlie Trie during the 90's and Al Gore's Buddhist monks in 2000?), has decided to donate the money received from Norman Hsu:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton will give to charity the $23,000 in donations she has received from a fundraiser who is wanted in California for failing to appear for sentencing on a 1991 grand theft charge.

The decision came Wednesday as other Democrats began distancing themselves from Norman Hsu, whose legal encounters and links to other Democratic donors have drawn public scrutiny in the past two days.

Al Franken, a Senate candidate in Minnesota, Reps. Michael Honda and Doris Matsui of California and Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania said they would divest their campaigns of Hsu's donations.

That's all fine and good, but what about the money received from the clearly middle class Paw family in Daly City, CA? They live at an address formerly claimed by Mr. Hsu and clearly don't have the funds to make the donations they've recently made - donations which closely mirror Mr. Hsu's. It was those donations that raised the red flags at the Wall Street Journal and started this whole investigation.

You better give those back, too, if you want this to ever go away.

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