HolyCoast: Love Is a Many-Gendered Thing
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Love Is a Many-Gendered Thing

I admit that I stole that title from Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Corner. I couldn't come up with anything better than that for this story:
A Polk County judge has struck down Iowa's law preserving marriage for only a man and a woman. He ordered the county recorder's office to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

Six gay and lesbian couples went to court for the right to legally marry in Iowa.Lamda Legal filed a lawsuit in 2005 on behalf of the couples in Iowa, saying they deserve equal protection under the law.

Once again a single judge attempts to redefine centuries of marital tradition (not to mention overturning the will of Iowa voters who overwhelmingly passed Iowa's Defense of Marriage Act). I doubt that the ruling will stand long.

UPDATE - As expected:
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Two men were married outside a minister's home in the state's first legal same-sex wedding Friday morning, less than 24 hours after a judge threw out Iowa's ban on gay marriage and about two hours before the same judge put his ruling on hold.

It was a narrow window of opportunity.

About 20 gay couples had applied for marriage licenses by 11 a.m. when the Polk County Recorder announced that she had been instructed to stop accepting the applications.

Since Iowa is supposed to be such an all-important state in the primary campaign, where are the press reports of Democrat candidates being asked how they feel about the initial report legalizing gay marriage?

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