HolyCoast: A Note from Tony Snow
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Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Note from Tony Snow

When I heard that Tony Snow had a recurrence of his cancer, I sent him an email note of encouragement and promised to pray for him, as did millions of other Americans. Yesterday I received a note back from him. I'm sure it's the same response that went to everybody, but I thought I'd share it here since I thought it was particularly gracious and revealed a little bit about Tony's own faith:

Thanks so much for the kind note - and for including me in your thoughts
and prayers.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you thinking of me and raising my
name in prayer. Prayers have enormous power. They're good medicine - and
they certainly have lifted my spirits. I feel as if I have been borne on
the shoulders of thousands of friends, all of whom have made the ride
easier than I ever could have imagined.

We're blessed to live in a land where people just want an excuse to do
something good for someone else. Thanks for taking advantage of that
opportunity with me. Please encourage others to do it closer to home for
other friends in need. Kind words, notes, emails, and small gestures
have a way of lightening the load, while making our own lives richer and
more rewarding.

Again, thanks for the incredible gift of caring.

God bless,


The president made one of his best personnel decisions when he hired Tony as White House press secretary.

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