HolyCoast: Obama Adds to His Foreign Policy Legacy
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obama Adds to His Foreign Policy Legacy

First he'll meet with every tinpot dictator in the world without precondition, then he'll invade an ally in the war on terror, and then he promises he'll never use nuclear weapons (from Drudge):

Obama said in grilling with AP reporter Thursday he would not use nuclear weapons 'in any circumstance'... 'I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance,' Obama said, with a pause, 'involving civilians' Then he quickly added, 'Let me scratch that. There's been no discussion of nuclear weapons. That's not on the table'...
Hillary called him "naive and irresponsible". I called him "dangerous". This statement effectively would disarm America in a dangerous world. You can come up with your own descriptions.

UPDATE: Hillary kicks him while he's down:
In another broadside indicating the increasingly heated race for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., implied Thursday that comments made by Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., were careless and unpresidential.

Sen. Clinton was referring to Obama's statement earlier in the day that he had ruled out using nuclear weapons against al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Clinton also suggested Obama's high-profile speech earlier in the week in which he said would be willing to invade Pakistan to attack high-profile al Qaeda targets, given actionable intelligence, was inappropriate, further evidence that she is painting her challenger as unprepared for the job of commander in chief.

I hate to say it, but Hillary's criticism of Obama in recent days has been right on the money.

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