HolyCoast: Purpose Driven Garage Floor
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Purpose Driven Garage Floor

The Virgin Mary or Jesus show up the strangest places:

Forest, VA - Call it divine intervention, a sign from above, on the floor. A family in Forest says they've discovered something heavenly just lying around in their garage. We sent our Leigh Forrester to see it with her own two eyes.

A garage is usually the place where bugs roam and husbands go to play, but all that has changed for Serio family.

Deb Serio, Found Jesus - "We had blacktopped our driveway and set the can down and we were cleaning out and moved the can and there he was."

Kelly and Natalie Serio, Daughters - "It's Jesus!"

You heard right, that smudge of blacktop, Deb Serio believes, looks like Jesus.
The Big Guy really gets around Last time I heard He was hanging out in some drywall in Alabama.

It looks like this time the Lord has a message for them... on eBay:

The Serio's have been staring at Jesus for about a year. Now they've decided to share him by selling the Messiah on eBay.

Deb Serio - "I kept thinking of that grilled cheese sandwich, remember the grilled cheese sandwich that sold for like $30,000 and I thought, well ya know, someone valued that, someone got something out of that, so maybe someone will get something out of this."

It has to be cut out of the concrete floor and shipped. But Deb Serio says if somebody's willing to pay, than she's willing to part -- with Jesus.

Deb Serio - "It is there and maybe it's there for a purpose."

Only if the purpose is junior's college fund. How come when people find these things they never say "Hey, that looks just like Uncle Carl!" Or "that looks just like Aunt Susie!" It's always Jesus or the Virgin Mary.

I guess nobody will pay for an asphalt image of Uncle Carl.

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