HolyCoast: The Re-Feminization of Hillary
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Monday, August 13, 2007

The Re-Feminization of Hillary

The Clinton campaign has apparently decided to try and make a woman out of Hillary. The other day while speaking at the gay debate she told the crowd that "I'm your girl" . That's something you never would have heard from Hillary a few months ago. (Of course, at the gay debate it was probably necessary to specify who was a girl and who wasn't.)

The latest effort came in Houston with this statement:
Saying "it will take a woman" to clean up the problems in the White House, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton today urged about 1,000 Houston-area voters to support her campaign to change America.

"Bring your brooms," the Democratic presidential candidate told the crowd at a union hall in downtown Houston.

"There's a lot of work that needs to be done. Stay with me all the way to November. We're going to make Texas blue again."

There are so many jokes possible in those three little paragraphs. The "bring your brooms" line conjurs up all kinds of images (I think I've been spending too much time reading Harry Potter lately). And I guarantee you that if Hillary wins it won't just be Texas that's blue.

There seems to be a concerted effort to try and make Hillary feminine again (if she ever was previously), and I'm not sure that's a winning strategy. People don't elect presidents because they like their taste in tea cozies. They want a leader and a person of strength. "I'm your girl" and "it will take a woman" to clean up doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

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