HolyCoast: Support for Surge Growing
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Support for Surge Growing

Another piece of the USA Today/Gallup poll suggests that the recent good news from Iraq is having an effect:
In the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, taken Friday through Sunday, the proportion of those who said the additional troops are "making the situation better" rose to 31% from 22% a month ago. Those who said it was "not making much difference" dropped to 41% from 51%.

About the same number said it was making things worse: 24% now, 25% a month ago.
Even the Gloomy Gus contingent dropped by 1%, and they're the toughest nut (or nuts) to crack. This poll has really got to have the Democrats worried because if this keeps up through the status report in September, the Dems will have a real problem on their hands. There's no way they'll get enough support in Congress to pass any of their surrender measures and their nutroots base will go berserk.

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