HolyCoast: Tillman Hearing Symptomatic of Everything That's Wrong with the Dems These Days
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tillman Hearing Symptomatic of Everything That's Wrong with the Dems These Days

Today Henry "Massive Nosehairs" Waxman dragged Don Rumsfeld out of retirement to appear before his committee which is investigating the nefarious schemes behind the death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman:
WASHINGTON (AP)—Unanswered questions about the bungled response to Army Ranger Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death in Afghanistan reach into the highest ranks of the Pentagon and beyond, a key Democrat charged Wednesday.

Ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld watched from the witness table, hands clasped, shoulder-to-shoulder with other high-ranking former Pentagon officials, as Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, opened a hearing on the issue.

"The concealment of Corp. Tillman's fratricide caused millions of Americans to question the integrity of our government, yet no one will tell us when and how the White House learned the truth," said Waxman, D-Calif.

"Millions of Americans"? There are plenty of reason to doubt the integrity of our government (especially Congress), but don't know anyone whose faith was shattered because of the Tillman incident. Most Americans are sad that a real hero like Pat Tillman died in Afghanistan, and sadder still that it turned out to be a friendly fire accident, but most of us don't spend our lives dwelling on conspiracy theories the likes of which are trafficked daily by the Dems. This whole "what did the president know and when did he know it" nonsense is meaningless. It frankly doesn't matter whether the president was advised early on about the friendly fire nature of the incident, or if he didn't find out until later. It doesn't change the facts one bit.

Anybody who has spent 10 minutes or more in government knows that it's useless to try and keep secrets. A lower level Pentagon general may have tried to control the information, but it was going to come out one way or the other, and the civilian leadership would have nothing to gain by trying to hide this information knowing full well it would eventually come out. Rumsfeld has become the whipping boy for the left on all issues regarding the war on terror, and while his stewardship of the Pentagon is worthy of some well-placed criticism, Dem witchhunts like Waxman's serve neither to elevate the discussion nor solve any problems.

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