HolyCoast: Tony Snow to Make An Early Exit
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tony Snow to Make An Early Exit

This is troubling news for the Bush Administration:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Karl Rove won't be the final senior Bush aide to depart the White House before the president leaves office in January 2009.

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow told conservative talk-show host Hugh Hewitt Wednesday "financial reasons" may prevent him for serving the remainder of his boss’ presidency.

"I'm not going to be able to go the distance, but that's primarily for financial reasons." Snow said. "I've told people when my money runs out, then I've got to go."

Snow refused to indicate when he thought he would likely leave, but CNN's Suzanne Malveaux reports that he could step down from his position as early as next month.

At this late stage in the Bush presidency, I think Tony's departure could be more damaging than that of Karl Rove. Tony has been an articulate and spunky spokesman for the Administration, and a guy who knows how to talk to and spar with the press. His assistant, Dana Perrino, is also good but doesn't have the towering presence that Tony does. I was really hoping he'd be around until the end of the administration in 2009.

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