HolyCoast: Another Early Christmas Update
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Early Christmas Update

Back on August 30th I showed you a picture of Christmas trees that were already up in the Macy's store in Mission Viejo. A sign indicated that the MV store was the first of 100 that needed to be done, and hence, the very early Christmas decor.

Funny thing, though, because just two days later I was at the Macy's store in Costa Mesa and their Holiday Lane section had also been installed and was up and running, and also had the same sign regarding it being the first of 100 stores. Sorry, Macy's, but we're not stupid. Somebody in the chain's heirarchy obviously decided to get a jump on the season and figured Labor Day was a good time to start.

They're not alone, though. Yesterday we hit Costco for a bunch of stuff we needed and they already have two aisles of Christmas stuff on sale. I guarantee you that other chains, fearful of losing business to the folks who now believe that Christmas starts in the summer, will soon jump in and we'll all be sick of Christmas stuff...by Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween, Disneyland just announced that their Halloween celebration will begin September 21st. Will they throw up the Christmas stuff on November 1?

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