HolyCoast: Bass Singers Get More Chicks
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bass Singers Get More Chicks

On behalf of my fellow bass singers worldwide, we wholeheartedly agree with this study:
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Men with deep voices have more children, probably because they attract more mates, the lead author of what is said to be the first study to examine the relationship between voice and number of offspring said Tuesday.

"We found a relationship between men's voice pitch and the number of children born to them, but not in the children's mortality rate," said Coren Apicella, a graduate anthropology student at Harvard University, who spent six months in northern Tanzania last year studying the nomadic, hunter-gatherer Hadza people.

"We found that men with deep voices have more children than their high-pitched counterparts," Apicella told AFP.

Who'd want to date a tenor, anyway?

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