HolyCoast: Bill Richardson Finds An Enemy He Won't Run From
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bill Richardson Finds An Enemy He Won't Run From

During last night's Dem debate, while the frontrunners were backing away from an commitments to pull out of Iraq, Bill Richardson was promising cut-and-run during this first year in office. James Taranto points out that Richardson has found at least one enemy he's not willing to run from:
Richardson said if elected president he would decline the position of Honorary Chairman of the Boy Scouts of America because of that organization's policy barring participation by openly gay males, he said at a Democratic presidential debate Wednesday night.

When asked if he would accept the position, Richardson said, "No, I wouldn't, because I think as president I would commit myself, number one, that I will be a leader that prevents discrimination on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation."

The Boy Scout motto is "Be Prepared", but fortunately, they won't have to worry about being prepared for a Richardson presidency. It'll never happen.

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