HolyCoast: Bush Shrinks From an AG Confirmation Fight
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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bush Shrinks From an AG Confirmation Fight

It looks like the president doesn't want to fight with Harry Reid over Ted Olson for Attorney General, so he's going with somebody Chuckie Schumer likes:
President Bush plans to choose Michael B. Mukasey, a former federal judge who was nominated to the bench by Ronald Reagan, to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Republicans close to the process told The Politico.

"It came down to confirmability," said a former Justice Department official involved in the conversations.

Conservatives had been rooting for former Solicitor General Theodore B. (Ted) Olson, but Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) vowed Wednesday to block his confirmation.

"The White House seems like they don't want a confirmation fight," said a Republican close to the selection process. "They think this guy is bulletproof from the left."

The reason he's "bulletproof" is that both liberal Senator Chuckie Schumer and ulta-liberal Nan Aron of Alliance for Justice have endorsed this guy, and frankly, that scares me to death. I'd be even more worried if he was being appointed to the Supreme Court, but as AG, he can't do as much damage. Bill Kristol seems to think highly of him and thinks Schumer will regret his compliments. I hope so.

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