HolyCoast: Bush Visits Iraq, and Not in the Green Zone
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Monday, September 03, 2007

Bush Visits Iraq, and Not in the Green Zone

President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq this Labor Day, and on this trip didn't spend it inside the heavily fortified Green Zone:
BAGHDAD (CNN) — President Bush arrived Monday at a U.S. military base in Iraq's Anbar province on an unannounced visit, less than two weeks before his administration is scheduled to report to Congress on progress in Iraq.

Among those accompanying Bush Monday were Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley.

It is Bush's third visit to Iraq, and the first time he landed outside the Iraqi capital.

Bush chose to land at Al Asad Air Base in Anbar because the administration believes the Sunni province west of Baghdad is symbolic of what can be done elsewhere in Iraq.

Bush has repeatedly hailed the U.S. military's alliance with Sunni tribal leaders in Anbar as the reason that fighting against al Qaeda militants has lessened there.

Karl Rove is supposed to be done now, but that was a very Rovian trip. Having the president visit an area that used to be the wild west but is now pretty well under control, especially in light of the pending report from Gen. Petraeus, is a brilliant piece of political theater. Had the president stayed in the more protected areas he would have given the Dems a free shot at him and his policies.

Just like the president's famous Thanksgiving Day trip in 2003, this one will probably leave the lefties sputtering.

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