HolyCoast: Dems Debate en Espanol
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Dems Debate en Espanol

The Dem panderfest continues:

MIAMI -- For the first time in a U.S. presidential campaign, candidates vying for the Democratic nomination will take part in a debate Sunday that will be broadcast across the U.S. in Spanish.

The event, held at the University of Miami and broadcast by the Univision Network, marks the Democratic candidates' recognition of the growing political muscle that the country's more than 44 million Hispanics could wield in the 2008 election.
So, they've done a gay debate, a union debate, and now a Spanish-language debate, but when the black congressional caucus tried to arrange a debate to be telecast on Fox News they all backed out. What's the matter, aren't there enough ebonics translaters available?

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