HolyCoast: Dobson Won't Support Thompson
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dobson Won't Support Thompson

I doesn't really make much difference, but I thought this item was interesting:
According to a private e-mail obtained by the AP, influential evangelical leader James Dobson told friends he will not be backing Fred Thompson's candidacy for president -- another setback for Thompson, who is vying for the conservative mantle. Earlier, Dobson said he would not vote for John McCain or Rudy Giuliani.

Said Dobson: "Isn't Thompson the candidate who is opposed to a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, believes there should be 50 different definitions of marriage in the U.S., favors McCain-Feingold, won't talk at all about what he believes, and can't speak his way out of a paper bag on the campaign trail?" Dobson wrote. "He has no passion, no zeal and no apparent 'want to.' And yet he is apparently the Great Hope that burns in the breasts of many conservative Christians? Well, not for me, my brothers. Not for me!"

I guess Dobson won't vote for me either because I'm not in favor of a Constitutional marriage amendment. I think messing with the Constitution in an effort to fix social conflicts is a mistake. It's better to let each state sort that out.

Dobson has obviously bought into the mainstream media's "Fred is lazy" meme, though he's only just begun to campaign. That may indicate a little laziness on Dobson's part too.

So, who is Dobson's "Great Hope"? He won't support Rudy because of abortion or Mitt because of his Mormanism. He's got his problems with McCain thanks to McCain-Feingold and other issues, and nobody else in the campaign has a decent chance to win anything. I looks to me like Dobson is just going to play the role of cranky old man without really contributing anything to the effort.

However, if Hillary is the Dem nominee, he'll vote for the Republican - even if the nominee is Beelzebub himself.

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