HolyCoast: Dumb Press Question of the Day
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dumb Press Question of the Day

From the press conference by spokesman Dana Perino at the White House (h/t The Corner):
Q When the President spoke with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to her, she offered prayers that the President would not veto the S-CHIP, State Children's Health Insurance Program. Has the President changed his view?

MS. PERINO: I didn't — I wasn't there for the conversation. I know that they did speak. The President was happy to take a phone call from the Speaker, as he always is. They had a conversation in which Speaker Pelosi asked the President not to veto the bill. The President has been very clear for months that if the bill came to him in its current form, that he would veto it. That is his intention. And I don't see any changing of the minds there.

But what he did say is that, I'm going to veto this bill and after that let's see if we can sit down and come to a compromise.

The President's position and the principle that he will stick to is that the neediest children should be served first, and that's the one he's going to stand by.

Q What did God tell him, from prayers?
Oh brother....

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