HolyCoast: Fox Censors Antiwar Nonsense at Emmys
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Fox Censors Antiwar Nonsense at Emmys

I realize that we should all be thankful that there are Hollywood stars who so clearly understand world events better than we ever could, but that didn't stop Fox from censuring one actress who decided to go on an antiwar tear during her acceptance speech at the Emmys:
Sally Field gave a heartfelt affirmation of motherhood on the Emmy stage when accepting her award for ABC's "Brothers & Sisters" that segued into a criticism of the Iraq War.

“At the heart of [her character] Nora Walker, she is a mother,” Field said. “May they be seen, may their work be valued and raised, and to especially the mothers who stand with an open heart and wait – wait for their children to come home for from danger, from harm’s way and from war. I’m not finished. I have to finish talking … if the mothers ruled the world there would be no g**d*** wars in the first place.”

When she said “g**d***” onstage, however, Fox censors apparently took the opportuntity to bleep the rest of her comments.
This is why I refuse to watch any of these awards shows. On the rare occasions when I have (at the insistance of Mrs. HolyCoast), I retain the right to mute all acceptance speeches. It's a much more enjoyable show that way.

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