HolyCoast: The Frontrunners Collide
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Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Frontrunners Collide

It's good to see Republicans going after Democrats for a change (instead of each other). The treatment of Gen. Petraeus by the Democrats, and especially Hillary Clinton, got the Giuliani campaign fired up:

Republican 2008 White House front-runner Rudolph Giuliani Friday fired a first, biting attack at top Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, accusing her "spewing venom" at America's commander in Iraq.

In a preview of a possible 2008 general election matchup, the former New York mayor took out a full page-advertisement in the New York Times rebuking Clinton over the unpopular war.

Then he debuted his first Internet advertisement of the campaign, accusing the former first lady of turning her back on US troops, after voting to authorize the war in Iraq in 2002, and now demanding an end to the conflict.

Giuliani took Clinton to task over an advertisement by liberal anti-war group MoveOn.org, which ran in the Times earlier this week with a headline of "General Petraeus, or General Betray US?"

"Just when our troops need all our support to finish the job, Hillary Clinton is turning her back on them," says a narrator in the web ad.

"General Petraeus and the brave men and women now serving under him deserve an apology. And our nation deserves better. Senator Clinton, do the right thing. Apologize for your comments and condemn the MoveOn.org ad."

The advertisement juxtaposed Clinton's arguments favoring the case against former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein during the debate over whether to go to war in late 2002, with her criticisms of Petraeus this week over Iraq.

Giuliani deftly used the opportunity to fight back at MoveOn.org by taking a shot at Clinton as well, and the NY Times just had to sit by and take it. Thanks to the sweetheart deal they gave MoveOn, they were pretty much forced to give Rudy the same deal on his ad which lumped MoveOn and Hillary together. He definitely used that to his advantage.

Hillary fired back, though feebly. It's hard to be very effective when you're on the wrong side of the issue.

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