HolyCoast: Gay Bay Fool Makes One Last Attempt to Ground the Blue Angels
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gay Bay Fool Makes One Last Attempt to Ground the Blue Angels

For some background on this story you need to read this previous post. The same numbskull who has been trying to keep the Blue Angels from appearing at next week's Fleet Week in San Francisco tried again today and failed:

SAN FRANCISCO, Sep. 25, 2007 (BCN) - San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly's hopes of halting the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels show from performing its aerial acrobatics over the city during Fleet Week crashed today when the board of supervisors failed the resolution.

Supervisors voted down the resolution just before 2:30 p.m. Newly appointed interim Supervisor Carmen Chu, who attended her first meeting today as the representative for District 4, voted against the resolution.

After a slight technical problem, Daly showed the board members still photos taken after fatal air accident, which occurred during a Blue Angels show in April in a small rural town in South Carolina.

"Beaufort, South Carolina has a population of 12,950 people," Daly said, "and when a Blue Angel plane crashed there eight people on the ground were injured. What would happen if this happened over a heavily populated area like San Francisco?"

Before the supervisors voted on the resolution, Daly addressed the board and reiterated the reasons he believes that the Blue Angels show should be halted.

Daly submitted the resolution because he said it is "not a necessary risk that the city needs to take." He believes that having the fighter pilot exhibition over a densely populated area like San Francisco poses an unwarranted risk to life and property.

"It is strictly for entertainment and an accident would cause significant loss of life," Daly said.
For one thing, in San Francisco the show is flown almost entirely over water. Because of the low altitudes and the fact that there's no airport at the show site, the don't go roaring over the hills of San Francisco. If there were to be an accident, the biggest risk would be to the sea lions that roam San Francisco Bay.

The real reason behind Daly's opposition is that he hates the military in general, and the sound of high performance F-18 jet fighter bombers makes him pee his pants. The sound of freedom is pretty scary to the pacifist crowd.

Fleet Week brings a lot of people and a lot of money in San Francisco. One of these days the Navy is going to have had enough of these fools and will not only pull Fleet Week out of the city, but other military installations as well. All the gay hippies tourists in the world won't make up for the loss to the city that an action like that would cause.

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