HolyCoast: Gore's Lifestyle Getting Heat From All Sides
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Gore's Lifestyle Getting Heat From All Sides

Poor old Al Gore. As the high priest of the global warming movement, he's expected to "walk the talk", but just about everything he does is sure to tick somebody off. First we have the animal rights folks:
He may be the hero of the environmental movement for his crusade against global warming but Al Gore is about to be targeted by animal rights activists over his carnivorous contribution to greenhouse gases.

Citing United Nations research that the meat industry is worse for the environment than driving and flying, animal rights groups are directing a campaign at the former American vice-president's diet.

When he delivers a lecture on global warming in Denver next month, protesters will display billboards bearing a cartoon image of Mr Gore eating a drumstick and the message: "Too chicken to go vegetarian? Meat is the No 1 cause of global warming".

The campaign is being organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) and is backed by other animal rights groups.

"For Al Gore, the fact that his diet is a leading contributor to global warming is a highly inconvenient truth - pun intended," said Matt Prescott, a spokesman for Peta.
Given Gore's size, a fair number of chickens and cows have given their all to his dinner plate. And from the right side, Sean Hannity has a video of Gore boarding his private Gulfstream carbon-producing jet. I wonder if they serve meat on the jet?

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