HolyCoast: Hillary Fundraiser Granted Bail...Again
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Friday, September 14, 2007

Hillary Fundraiser Granted Bail...Again

How many times do you get to jump bail and flee before a judge finally denies bail? In the case of Norman Hsu, Hillary's fugitive fundraiser, we don't really know because he's already jumped twice but that wasn't enough to keep a Colorado judge from granting bail once again:

A judge ordered a cash bond of $5 million for Norman Hsu, the shadowy Democratic fund-raiser, after Colorado authorities told the court here that Mr. Hsu might have been involved in another multimillion-dollar fraud investigation involving dozens of investors in Orange County, Calif.

The revelation that Mr. Hsu, a fugitive for 15 years in a California fraud case, might be implicated in another fraud investigation came after New York investors learned this week that $40 million they had invested with Mr. Hsu might be in jeopardy.

Mr. Hsu’s lawyer, Eric Elliff, said Mr. Hsu was willing to waive extradition and would probably be taken to California after a hearing here on Sept. 19.

If this guy is able to post bail again, he's gone. With his record, it was foolish to give this guy any opportunity to get out. Maybe he can use the money that Hillary will give back to fund his next escape.

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