HolyCoast: How Long Until They Start Spitting On Our Soldiers Again?
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How Long Until They Start Spitting On Our Soldiers Again?

The rerun of the Vietnam experience has come full circle. When our troops returned home after service in Vietnam, some were spit on and cursed at by antiwar idiots. It was despicable behavior back then, and I'm afraid that's where we're headed again today.

Seeing that MoveOn.org ad accusing General Petraeus of treasonous behavior (and the Senate's failure to condemn it), and then listening to Democrats in the House and Senate berating our commanding general and calling him a liar, one can only assume it's a short step to the point when our returning troops will be greeted with spit and chants of "baby-killer".

The left has one playbook and one playbook only, and they're turning the final pages.

This story suggests that spit and curses may be the least of our soldier's problems.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - A U.S. citizen has confessed to using an axe to kill a Dutch student after failing to find a soldier to attack, his lawyer said Tuesday.

The suspect, Carlos Hartmann, 41, of Tecumseh, Mich., has confessed to the Sept. 8 killing on a train platform in the southern city of Roosendaal, defence lawyer Peter Gremmen said.

Gremmen said Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq.

Hartmann appeared before a judge Tuesday and was ordered held for another two weeks for investigation.

"He hates soldiers, and says that the army kills people, so it would be legitimate if he were also to kill someone . . . from the American military - or from its NATO allies," Gremmen said in a telephone interview.

When he failed to find a soldier at the Roosendaal train station, "he got such a crazy, disturbed idea that he killed a civilian," Gremmen said.

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