HolyCoast: Howard Dean Has Another War On His Hands
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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Howard Dean Has Another War On His Hands

Poor Howard the Donkey. First Florida defies party rules and schedules an early primary, and now Michigan is getting in the act:

“The leadership of the Michigan Democratic Party today announced their intention to comply with the new state law establishing a January 15, 2008 presidential primary, and to select their delegates to the Democratic National Convention on that day.”

“Michigan Democrats are taking this step in direct response to the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s statement of intent on August 9th, supported by the Democratic leadership of New Hampshire, to hold the New Hampshire primary before January 19, 2008, in direct violation of the DNC Rules that state that New Hampshire’s delegates cannot be selected at a primary held earlier than January 22, 2008.”

“Michigan Democrats believe that no state should enjoy a privileged position every four years in selecting our party’s presidential nominee. New Hampshire’s stated intent to move their primary before January 19th, in direct violation of the DNC rules, is an effort to perpetuate their self-appointed privileged position. That makes the delegate selection process in other states, including Michigan, less meaningful, and results in the candidates paying less attention to the issues that are important to Michigan and other states.”

Now what will Iowa and New Hampshire do? Will there be primaries and caucuses Christmas week? Very possible.

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