HolyCoast: Idiots On Parade in Colorado
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Idiots On Parade in Colorado

What happens when a bunch of self-righteous little punks run a student newspaper?
The Colorado State University student newspaper is under fire after publishing a two-word editorial statement about President Bush.

The Rocky Mountain Collegian published the editorial on its Sept. 21 opinion page, saying "Taser this .. (expletive) BUSH."

University officials released a statement explaining their concern for response to the editorial, and that it has no control over its student media.

“While we understand (the editorial) is upsetting and offensive to many people, CSU is prohibited by law from censoring or regulating the content of its student media publications,” CSU said in a written statement.

The newspaper’s editor-in-chief wrote a letter to readers to explain that “our intentions were not malicious.”

“While the editorial board feels strongly with regard to first amendment issues, we have found the unintended consequences of such a bold statement to be extremely disheartening,” wrote J. David McSwane, editor-in-chief.
It wasn't a bold statement, it was a stupid statement and more representative of a three year old's temper tantrum than anything passing for intelligent thought at the college level. Wait until these dummies get out into the real world and find out that instead of a bunch of eunuch administrators they have to deal with people that can rain carloads of crap on their heads.

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