HolyCoast: It's the 60's All Over Again
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's the 60's All Over Again

The folks organizing this Saturday's big antiwar protest in Washington think they've created a whole new protest experience:
(CNSNews.com) - Organizers of an anti-war protest scheduled for Sept. 15 said Wednesday that the demonstration will be "unlike any other" as activists gather to demand an immediate end to the war.

The protest, organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), begins with a rally near the White House, continues with a march to the U.S. Capitol, and concludes with a "die-in" that organizers estimate will involve approximately 1,000 people lying down near the Capitol in a symbolic effort to represent dead U.S. soldiers and dead Iraqis.

Brian Becker, ANSWER's national coordinator, told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that the demonstration "will be unlike any other anti-war protest in recent years because it will culminate in a massive civil disobedience," referring to the "die-in."

Is this Becker guy 8 years old? Everything he describes as "unlike any other" was done to death (pun intended) during the 60's. There's nothing new about this. Same techniques, different bozos.

And this is good news for bloggers everywhere:
Cindy Sheehan -- the Gold Star mother whose son, Army Spec. Casey Sheehan, was killed in Iraq -- has come out of anti-war movement "retirement" to participate in the protest.

She is also challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for her seat in the House of Representatives in the 2008 election because of Pelosi's failure to bring an end to the war.

"If the rest of America heard about it," Sheehan said of the protest efforts scheduled for the weekend, "it might really start a revolution."

Sorry, Mamma Moonbat, all it will do is gum up traffic in Washington for a day. Long term effects: nil.

Now here's a protest I could get involved in:
Angry air travelers plan 'strand-in' in Washington

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