HolyCoast: John Edwards Has No Faith in Young Black Men
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Friday, September 28, 2007

John Edwards Has No Faith in Young Black Men

John Edwards has so little faith in young black men that he figures before too long they'll all be dead or in prison:
Question: What would you do to help eliminate inner city kids from partaking in violence?"

John Edwards: That's a good question.

...I don't think their's a silver bullet to this. We start with the president of the United States saying to America, "We cannot build enough prisons to solve this problem."

And, the idea that we are going to just keep incarcerating and incarcerating, soon we're not going to have a young African-American male population in America. They're all going to be in prison or dead.

And that was one of his good answers. Coming from a Republican, that would have been considered racist.

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