HolyCoast: Methodists Want to Divest From Israel
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Methodists Want to Divest From Israel

I guess all that "promised land" and "God's chosen people" stuff has worn off on the Methodists:
The United Methodist Church's official lobby office is urging church agencies and members to divest their holdings in Caterpillar Inc. because the company sells bulldozers to Israel.

United Methodist General Board of Church and Society sponsored the resolution, accusing Caterpillar of facilitating Israel's destruction of Palestinian property.

Caterpillar, along with Israel, was the target of a lawsuit by the family of Rachel Corrie after the activist was crushed by a bulldozer in 2003 while attempting to block the destruction of a Palestinian home used to facilitate arms smuggling.

The resolution will go before the United Methodist General Conference in April 2008.
Perhaps instead they can invest in the Palestinian government du jour.

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