HolyCoast: MoveOn Owns the Democrats
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

MoveOn Owns the Democrats

It's no mystery why Democrats are so reluctant to criticize MoveOn.org when they produce objectionable ads like the General Petraeus "Betray Us" ad:
WASHINGTON — Here's a pop quiz on money in politics: Who gives more money to federal candidates, the National Rifle Association or MoveOn.org?

Answer: MoveOn.

And it isn't even close.

In the last two election cycles, MoveOn.org Political Action Committee spent more than $58 million in pro-Democrat political advocacy, according to Federal Election Commission records.

In just the 2006 election cycle, MoveOn.org spent $27 million in advocacy to elect a Democratic majority in Congress and used its formidable fund-raising clout to propel numerous Democratic challengers to House and Senate victories. By comparison, the NRA PAC donated $11 million in 2006.

"They give away and raise about three times as much as the National Rifle Association," said Massie Ritsch, communications director for the Center for Responsive Politics. "A tremendous amount of money, especially when you consider how quickly they came on the scene."

How comforting is it to know that a couple of ex-hippies from Berkeley now pull the strings of the Democrats nationwide?

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