HolyCoast: Nader in '08!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nader in '08!

The Harold Stassen of the Democratic Party is preparing to open a new campaign:

The "Ralph Nader Democratic Caucus Campaign Draft Committee" is advertising for campaign staffers on the craigslist web pages for Des Moines and New Hampshire.

The Des Moines ad offers $1000 a week for full-time work between Dec. 15 and Jan. 15 and seeks "8 experienced (non-profit or political) organizers full time, and 12 field interns (6 part and 6 fulltime)."

The ads list a New York address for the committee but offer no web site other than Nader's Wikipedia entry.

With the possible exception of helping get George Bush elected in 2000, Nader hasn't had much electoral success:
Nader entered the New Hampshire Democratic primary in 1992 and won a handful of Iowa Democratic caucus delegates in Johnson County in 1996 (though those results were delayed till after newspaper deadlines and, in effect, scrubbed from the historic record). He ran as a Green in the 1996 and 2000 general elections and as an independent in 2004.
Be afraid, Hillary...be very afraid.

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