HolyCoast: The Paul Bearers' Disgraceful Antics
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Paul Bearers' Disgraceful Antics

For some reason Rep. Ron Paul has become somewhat of an internet icon and has attracted a very vociferous, though tiny, group of supports. Often, however, the antics of the "Paul Bearers" are less than mature (h/t The Corner):
...[Ron] Paul's supporters taunted former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for alleged complicity in the attacks..

...According to one eyewitness, [Rudy] Giuliani was beset by dozens of Paul enthusiasts as he was leaving the island, some of whom shouted taunts about 9/11, including: “9/11 was an inside job” and “Rudy, Rudy, what did you do with the gold?” — an apparent reference to rumors about $200 million in gold alleged to have disappeared in the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.

Ed Wyszynski, a longtime party activist from Eagle, said the Paul supporters threatened to throw Giuliani overboard and harrassed him as he took shelter in the ferry’s pilothouse for the 15-minute journey back to Mackinaw City.

“It was awful,” said Wyszynski, who supports Mitt Romney for the GOP presidential nomination.

“I was embarrassed to be a Republican. Never, ever, have I seen such a disgraceful performance.”

I call them "Paul Bearers" because they're trying to carry around a guy who's politically dead.

UPDATE from Rick Brookhiser at The Corner:
Ron Paul is a pencil head, leading a jacquerie of wicked idiots.

And I thought I was being hard on them.

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