HolyCoast: "School Bus" Nagin May Run for Governor
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"School Bus" Nagin May Run for Governor

Ray "School Bus" Nagin wants to do for all of Louisiana what he did for New Orleans:
NEW ORLEANS - Mayor Ray Nagin could be days away from announcing he will run for governor of Louisiana — a move many in this stricken city regard as preposterous.

If Nagin runs, he will do so on his stewardship of New Orleans. But this is a city in great distress two years after Hurricane Katrina, with large swaths still empty, an appalling murder rate and a painfully sluggish recovery. Nagin's disapproval rating stood at 65 percent in a recent poll.

"He's clearly seeing his election potential differently than most of Louisiana. Statewide, Ray Nagin is dead in the water," said G. Pearson Cross, an assistant professor of politics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. "One thing is clear: New Orleans has not had the forceful and dynamic leadership necessary to get recovery on the right track."

I hope he runs. Bobby Jindal will have him for lunch.

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