HolyCoast: That Darned Global Warming is Bringing a Winter Storm to Southern Cal
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

That Darned Global Warming is Bringing a Winter Storm to Southern Cal

It's only September but we have a winter storm bearing down on Southern California:
Cooler weather and high winds moved into Southern California today in advance of a storm that could bring snow to the mountains and the first rain to Los Angeles in about 150 days.

Meteorologists said the unstable weather system coming from British Columbia was the Southland's first winter storm, arriving months ahead of schedule and sending temperatures eight to 15 degrees below normal.

In downtown Los Angeles, where the average high during the month of September is 83 degrees, the temperature was 71 at 2 p.m., the National Weather Service said.

A wind advisory was issued today for the Antelope Valley, where gusts of up to 50 miles per hour were expected to kick up dust and sand and reduce visibility through the evening.

"The storm is pretty unusual. It's pretty much our first winter storm of the season and it's barely fall," said weather service meteorologist Edan Lindaman. "Typically, we don't see storms like this until into early April."
I'm not complaining. We haven't had measurable rain in 150 days, and since July 1, 2006, only 3 1/2 inches. We'll take all the rain and mountain snow we can get.

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