HolyCoast: Thompson Gets Big Bounce After Announcement
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Monday, September 10, 2007

Thompson Gets Big Bounce After Announcement

He was already polling well even before he was an official candidate, but since his announcement last Thursday, Fred Thompson has gotten a big bounce in the polls:
A new SurveyUSA poll in California finds Rudy Giuliani leading the Republican presidential race with 28%, but Fred Thompson has closed the gap in the days after the announcement of his campaign and is just two points behind at 26%. Last month, Giuliani led by 20 points.

Thompson now leads "among men, Conservatives, Pro-Life voters, among those opposed to stem-cell research, among those opposed to same-sex marriage, among gun owners, among those age 65+, and among those who think global warming is made-up."

A new
Rasmussen Reports poll has also found a Thompson bounce nationally.

Whether or not the bounce sticks will be up to Fred and how his campaign takes shape in the next few days.

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