HolyCoast: 10,000 Ads Buys Romney Single Digit Poll Numbers
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

10,000 Ads Buys Romney Single Digit Poll Numbers

I think Mitt Romney is throwing his money away:
Mitt Romney "is the first presidential candidate to run at least 10,000 political ads this election cycle," according to an analysis conducted by TNS Media Intelligence/CMAG. "And there is no White House hopeful in sight to catch up to him anytime soon -- unless a candidate immediately opens up the campaign war chest and begins to saturate the airwaves."

The analysts "also noted that this is 'probably the quietest 10,000 commercials you will ever see' in a presidential campaign, because the ads have aired almost exclusively in Iowa and New Hampshire with a smaller number of runs in South Carolina and Florida."

Although Romney is still leading in Iowa by a couple of points, nationally his campaign is a disaster drawing only 7% in the latest Gallup poll. He can spend all the money he wants to, but he's just not going to catch on nationally.

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