HolyCoast: Clarence Thomas on Rush Limbaugh's Show Today
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Monday, October 01, 2007

Clarence Thomas on Rush Limbaugh's Show Today

Rush will probably spend much of his first hour this morning talking about the Media Matters attempted hit on him, but in the second and third hours will have a 90 minute interview with Justice Clarence Thomas whose new book, My Grandfather's Son, is coming out this week. Here's how Rush described parts of the interview during a call last week:
RUSH: Other than to say, I start out with him when his mother gave him up. She couldn't afford him and his brother, and his grandfather took him in, and the title of the book is My Grandfather's Son. I started from there, and I didn't get to the confirmation hearings 'til what was like the end of the first hour. But during this interview -- and I don't want to give away any secrets here -- Dawn, who was here transcribing what he was saying for me in case I had trouble understanding him, which I didn't, cried twice.

CALLER: Wow! Wow.

RUSH: This is... I told him, "I'm so glad that you did this book and you're doing this," because people that know him get so frustrated the way he's caricatured and portrayed, and he's just... You're not going to be able to avoid being emotionally affected by the whole interview for the next 90 minutes on Monday.

You can order your copy of the book by clicking on the box above. It sounds like both the book and the interview will be very interesting.

UPDATE: If you missed the Clarence Thomas interview on 60 Minutes (which was well done, but the way), you can watch it online here.

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