HolyCoast: Dems Fight Over Transgendered Rights
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Dems Fight Over Transgendered Rights

I'm sure civil rights for transgendered people is in the Constitution somewhere:
WASHINGTON - Rep. Barney Frank, a leading gay rights champion in Congress, on Thursday urged fellow gay rights advocates not to let their dispute over protecting transgender workers doom a job discrimination ban that could mark a major civil rights advance for gays in the workplace.

The debate over including transgender people has sharply divided gay rights activists, many of whom are trying to kill a stripped-down bill without protections for transgender workers that Frank and Democratic leaders hope will win House passage this year.

"We're not going to be split off this way," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "We're driven by principle. No civil rights movement has ever left a part of its community behind - and we're not about to be the first."

Frank, D-Mass., one of two openly gay members of Congress, supports transgender protections, but said they don't have the votes.

"Politically, the notion that you don't do anything until you can do everything is self-defeating," he said.
Curiously, in that last paragraph Barney Frank shows more political maturity about his transgendered issue than James Dobson is showing regarding abortion and the GOP nomination.

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