HolyCoast: Dems Planning Massive Tax Hike
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dems Planning Massive Tax Hike

Charlie Rangel has waited for years to be in position to punish all Americans with a massive tax hike, and it looks like his opportunity is about to happen:
By now, everyone knows Rep. Charles B. Rangel is poised to introduce the “mother” of all tax reforms, the biggest and most expensive tax code overhaul since 1986. But what they don’t know is how the New York Democrat plans to pay the more than $1 trillion price tag — and that uncertainty is fueling rampant speculation from Capitol Hill to K Street.

The classic Washington guessing game is frustrating anxious corporate lobbyists but amusing others, including the House Ways and Means Committee chairman who started it all. “It is surprising how nervous people get when I use the words ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’ to describe our efforts to simplify the tax code and encourage economic investment,” the New York Democrat told Politico.
Of course, his first goal is to allow every single Bush tax cut to expire, resulting in the largest tax increase in U.S. history. He then will further work to punish achievement and achieve "fairness and equity" by taking money out of your pockets and putting it into the pockets of those who haven't done anything to earn it, including the Federal government.

The real question is, will be there be enough courageous Republicans to stand in the way? Unfortunately, I think I've answered my own question.

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