HolyCoast: Dems Try Backdoor Route to Lose the War
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Dems Try Backdoor Route to Lose the War

There has much discussion about the Dems decision to denounce the Ottoman empire 100 years after the Armenian genocide. What is motivating this sudden desire for justice for the Armenians? Jed Babbin and others suggest it's really an effort to cripple the Iraq war effort by alienating one of our most important allies in the area:
Congressional Democrats anxious to force a withdrawal of American forces from Iraq are frustrated by their inability to muster a veto-proof majority for legislation that would establish a firm date for retreat. But what they cannot do directly they are now working hard to do indirectly.

According to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Incirlik Air Base near Adana, Turkey is the transshipment point for about 70% of all air cargo (including 33% of the fuel) going to supply US forces in Iraq. Included are about 95% of the new “MRAP” -- mine-resistant, ambush-protected -- vehicles designed to save the lives of American troops. Turkey wasn’t always this helpful. In 2003, the Turks refuse permission for the 4th Infantry Division to enter Iraq through Turkey.

Turkey’s Erdogan government has indicated that if the House of Representatives takes action on a non-binding resolution being pushed by Speaker Pelosi, Turkey might revoke our ability to use Incirlik as a waypoint for Iraq supplies.

The Dems have been frustrated in every effort to reduce troops numbers or otherwise end the war, so instead of going at it directly and proposing a cut-off of funds, they plan to destroy our relationship with a key ally in the hopes that the Turkish government will do what the Dems have not been able to do - cripple the war effort by cutting off our access to key airbases. The GOP, and especially President Bush, needs to call them on it.

As shown in this post, things are going much better in Iraq in recent days and the fact that Democrats are so willing to destroy the war effort when victory is at hand is nothing less than treasonous.

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