HolyCoast: Edwards' Pit Poodle Joins The Assault on Rush
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Friday, October 05, 2007

Edwards' Pit Poodle Joins The Assault on Rush

John Edwards doesn't fight his own battles anymore - he has a pit poodle, his wife, to do it for him. As each tactic against Rush Limbaugh has failed, she's been tasked to come up with the newest one in remarks she made on Airhead America:

My classmates went to Vietnam, he did not. He was 4F. He had a medical disability, the same medical disability that probably should have stopped him from spending a lifetime in a radio announcer’s chair; but it is true, isn’t it? If he has an inoperable position that allows him not to serve, presumably it should not allow him to sit for long periods of time the way he does. I think this is a serious enough offense for the people who fund him, who buy ads and allow him to be on the air, need to be asked if this is what they really stand for, do they think it is all right for someone who has never served to denigrate the men and women who have simply because they are expressing an opinion. Frankly, I thought that is what we are fighting for.

Since Tom Harkin brought up Rush's drug history the other day, Ms. Pit Poodle could probably use a little history lesson. The reason Rush was taking pain killers was because of severe back pain. He unfortunately found himself hooked on the things and had to go through a lengthy rehab to recover, but recover he did. Whether or not he could comfortably sit in the Attila the Hun Chair at the EIB Network for three hours a day nobody knows but Rush.

You can tell from her comments that what's she's really trying to do is influence the sponsors and station managers who support the program, but as Rush pointed out today, despite numerous past attempts by the Dems to slander him - including this latest effort - his show has never lost a single sponsor nor a single station. Those people are smart enough to know what's really going on.

By the way, when did John Edwards serve in the military? (From a 2004 Today Show interview)

Here's where Katie slipped in the knife. Obviously she was fully briefed and entirely aware of Edwards personal background.

Still, feigning ignorance, she asked, as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, "Your military service?" and I believe she repeated the phrase another time.

Of course Edwards had to admit "I did not serve."
In related news, John O'Neill who led the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and helped sink John Kerry's campaign in 2004 has written a piece in defense of Rush.

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