HolyCoast: Everybody Wave to the Pope in the Fire
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Everybody Wave to the Pope in the Fire

I promised you in my video welcome that if the Virgin Mary showed up in a burrito in Dallas, I'd be sure and bring you the story. Well, it's not the Virgin Mary, but it's the next best thing - Pope John Paul II making a personal appearance in a bonfire:
This fiery figure is being hailed as Pope John Paul II making an appearance beyond the grave.

The image, said by believers to show the Holy Father with his right hand raised in blessing, was spotted during a ceremony in Poland to mark the second anniversary of his death.

Details appeared on the Vatican News Service, a TV station in Rome which specialises in religious news broadcasts.

Service director Jarek Cielecki, a Polish priest and close friend of John Paul II, travelled to Poland after hearing an onlooker had photographed the image.

Father Cielecki said he was convinced the picture showed the former pontiff.

"You can see the image of a person in the flames and I think it is the servant of God, Pope John Paul II," he said.

The pictures were being broadcast continuously on Italian TV and also posted on religious websites, some of which crashed as thousands logged on to see for themselves the eerie figure formed by the flames.
I thought being a Catholic was supposed to keep you out of fire...

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